How can you correctly scale the output of the FFT function to obtain a meaningful power versus frequency plot?Answer:
Assume x is a vector containing your data. A sample vector used with this technical note is a 200 Hz sinusoid signal.% Sampling frequency Fs = 1024; % Time vector of 1 second t = 0:1/Fs:1; % Create a sine wave of 200 Hz. x =sin(2*pi*t*200);First, you need to call the FFT function. For the fastest possible ffts, you will want to pad your data with enough zeros to make its length a power of 2. The built-in FFT function does this for you automatically, if you give a second argument specifying the overall length of the fft, as demonstrated below:
% Use next highest power of 2 greater than or equal to length(x) to calculate fft nfft = 2^(nextpow2(length(x))); % Take fft, padding with zeros so that length(fftx) is equal to nfft fftx = fft(x,nfft);If nfft is even (which it will be, if you use the above two commands above), then the magnitude of the fft will be symmetric, such that the first (1+nfft/2) points are unique, and the rest are symmetrically redundant. The DC component of x is fftx(1) , and fftx(1+nfft/2)> is the Nyquist frequency component of x. If nfft is odd, however, the Nyquist frequency component is not evaluated, and the number of unique points is (nfft+1)/2 . This can be generalized for both cases to ceil((nfft+1)/2) .
% Calculate the number of unique points NumUniquePts = ceil((nfft+1)/2); % FFT is symmetric, throw away second half fftx = fftx(1:NumUniquePts);Next, calculate the magnitude of the fft:
% Take the magnitude of fft of x mx = abs(fftx);Consider the fact that MATLAB does not scale the output of fft by the length of the input:
% Scale the fft so that it is not a function of the length of x mx = mx/length(x); % Now, take the square of the magnitude of fft of x which has been scaled properly. mx = mx.^2; % Since we dropped half the FFT, we multiply mx by 2 to keep the same energy. % The DC component and Nyquist component, if it exists, are unique and should not be multiplied by 2. if rem(nfft, 2) % odd nfft excludes Nyquist point mx(2:end) = mx(2:end)*2; else mx(2:end -1) = mx(2:end -1)*2; endNow, create a frequency vector:
% This is an evenly spaced frequency vector with NumUniquePts points. f = (0:NumUniquePts-1)*Fs/nfft;
Finally, generate the plot with a title and axis labels.
% Generate the plot, title and labels. plot(f,mx); title('Power Spectrum of a 200Hz Sine Wave'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power');
Bringing this all together, you get the following MATLAB file:
% Sampling frequency Fs = 1024; % Time vector of 1 second t = 0:1/Fs:1; % Create a sine wave of 200 Hz. x = sin(2*pi*t*200); % Use next highest power of 2 greater than or equal to length(x) to calculate FFT. nfft= 2^(nextpow2(length(x))); % Take fft, padding with zeros so that length(fftx) is equal to nfft fftx = fft(x,nfft); % Calculate the numberof unique points NumUniquePts = ceil((nfft+1)/2); % FFT is symmetric, throw away second half fftx = fftx(1:NumUniquePts); % Take the magnitude of fft of x and scale the fft so that it is not a function of the length of x mx = abs(fftx)/length(x); % Take the square of the magnitude of fft of x. mx = mx.^2; % Since we dropped half the FFT, we multiply mx by 2 to keep the same energy. % The DC component and Nyquist component, if it exists, are unique and should not be multiplied by 2. if rem(nfft, 2) % odd nfft excludes Nyquist point mx(2:end) = mx(2:end)*2; else mx(2:end -1) = mx(2:end -1)*2; end % This is an evenly spaced frequency vector with NumUniquePts points. f = (0:NumUniquePts-1)*Fs/nfft; % Generate the plot, title and labels. plot(f,mx); title('Power Spectrum of a 200Hz Sine Wave'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power');The resulting plot looks like the following:
The Signal Processing Toolbox 6.2 adds a new spectrum object. Spectrum objects contain parameter information for a particular spectral estimation method (e.g., spectrum.welch). This object provides an improved way to view and manipulate spectral estimation parameters. See the spectrum reference page (Spectrum Objects) and the associated estimation method reference pages (Spectral Estimation Method) for more information. The object has methods to evaluate the power spectral density for parametric and non-parametric (conventional) techniques and the mean-square spectrum for the non-parametric techniques. For subspace spectral estimation techniques (MUSIC and EIG), however, the object has methods to compute the pseudospectrum. As an example for using the spectrum object, refer to the following demo: Measuring the Power of Deterministic Periodic Signals.
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